The Advent of Abstraction

As part of the Masterpiece in Focus series of the National Gallery of Canada, this exhibition centres on the emergence of the movement in Moscow from 1915 to 1917. Pulling together more than 20 works of the Russian avant-garde, highlights include a rare relief sculpture by Vladimir Tatlin and a major suprematist painting by Kazimir…

Focus: Perfection

Drawing from the extraordinary collection of nearly two thousand editioned works, mixed-media objects, and Polaroid instant prints—jointly acquired in 2011 by the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art from The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation—as well as from the Robert Mapplethorpe Archive housed at the Getty Research Institute, this exhibition gives…

Parcours des mondes 2016

A special moment to encounter our authors and discover our latest publications on non-european arts. 16-17 | Esprits incarnés with Virginia-Lee Webb 17-18 | Mumuye. Sculptures du Nigeria with Frank Herreman and Costa Petridis 18-19 | Guro (serie Visions d’Afrique) with Anne-Marie Bouttiaux and Costa Petridis

Byzance en Suisse

This is the first time an exhibition has gathered together 600 pieces of Byzantine art, covering a large proportion of public and private collections in Switzerland, reminding us of the strong link between this country and the huge empire of the East. Remarkably, a large number of coins and objects have been found on Swiss…